For half a century, the fantasy storytelling game has created a space for people to explore and craft their identities through role-playing. To mark its 50th anniversary, Dungeons & Dragons, The Twenty-Sided Tavern live theatrical experience was created and has played off-Broadway in New York this year. On Sunday it opens at the Sydney Opera House. David Carpenter, the show's cofounder and executive producer and some avid Sydney D&D fans explained what keeps this game both current and captivating.
'There is no-one too awkward to play D&D.'
Leila Patch
Leila is a Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism) student at UNSW Sydney. She works part-time for a not-for-profit and her goal is to help it harness the power of social media to build and strengthen connections with their supporters, especially with young adults, to foster a vibrant and engaged community.
Cultural ping pong: Dancing on the edge of two worlds