Poignant documentary film tells story of what the sudden trauma of flooding stole from a vital elderly woman.
'Most significantly were her photos, all destroyed in the flood ... She really couldn't remember who we were and she didn't have her photographs to look back on to see her relationship to us [or] to know who she was.'
– Isabelle Clements created Flood for UNSW's Documentary and Non Fiction Cinemas course ARTS3066.
– Podcast interview by Abigail Kirkland, Sienna Barrientos and Ellie Fuller.
Isabelle is a recent graduate of UNSW in Public Relations and Advertising / Arts (majoring in theatre and performance studies, minoring in film studies).
An emerging artist with a particular interest in performance art and film, Isabelle explores the way memory is recorded and revisited and the impact of digital technologies on how we connect with others and experience everyday life.